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new book reveals:How to live courageously,be the natural you andcreate the life you really want

From the desk of Rikke Wend Hartung.

Coast of Napoli, Italy.


Dear friend,


Are you tired of running in the hamster wheel, of feeling lost, overworked and overwhelmed?


Tired of not getting the results that you really want? Tired of feeling like there must be more to life than this?


If you want rediscover yourself, reignite your inner fire and be happier, healthier and get more out of your life without burning out, then this will be one of the most important books you will ever read! 




Before you read any further, I want to be clear about something: This is not one of those self-help books that promises to fix every aspect of you life in five easy steps–and then leave you with nothing of real substance. 


Here is the deal:

The systems, tools and techniques I outline in this book are working great for me and my clients, and I believe that they can help you too. 


But you have to commit to actually doing the work and engage yourself fully in applying the knowledge. If you just buy the book, read it quickly and then don’t take any action, you will see very few results–if any. Personal development comes from learning and doing. And that demands commitment, persistence and taking massive action. There is no magic pill 🙂


With that said, you can absolutely CREATE A MAGIC LIFE and this book will show you how

Exactly what you’re getting


The book goes straight to the point. There is not a lot of fluff and filling. Only scientifically based knowledge and thoroughly tested systems and tools sprinkled with some inspiring quotes and interviews with experts. 


It is easy to read, which means you can start implementing right away. The key to transformation is to, well, transform. Taking action. It is the action that changes our lives. 


After having read this book, you will know:


  • How to use your fear to live courageously, even if you are anxious and fearful. Page 4.​


  • Why being hard on yourself never works. Page 20.​


  • What your true passion is and how to prioritise it. Page 18.


  • When it is OK to say ‘No’ and how to do it. Page 32. â€‹


  • 5 ways to deal with everyday conflict. Page 41​.​


  • Where to find a strong support system and people who got your back. Page 46.


  • How to eliminate behaviour that doesn’t work for you. Page 25. 


  • How to start doing more of what is really good for you and celebrate even (especially!) your small wins. Page 44.


  • How to sleep your way to more energy. Page 63.


  • How to harness the power of habits and why it never works to delete a habit. Page 73.


  • The truth about courage and confidence. Page 6. 


  • What to do to create sticky habits, even if you have tried and failed before. Page 74.


  • What to do to empower yourself with self-talk. Page 36.



  • How to turn your failures into empowering knowledge and stop repeating the same mistakes. Page 28 and 83.

The list goes on. I think you get the picture by now: The book is in effect a handbook for living a happier and more fulfilled life


And it gets better, because at the end of the book you are also getting…

A proven system for how to SMASH your goalsand get the most out of your life

This system is called SMASH and it is my proprietary system. 


SMASH has taken me from being utterly unhealthy, unhappy, completely stressed out and far down a path in life that wasn’t really mine to my current state of life: Happily living my dreamlife as coach, author and speaker in magical Italy (watch my 3-minute TEDx talk The Ripple Effect of Self-Trust for a bit more on this). 


I write a bit about my personal story in the book too for inspiration, because if I can do it, you can do it! 


I am not special in any way, the difference is the mindset, tools and techniques I use and after reading this book, you will be able to use them to create your dream life, too.  

Here’s what to do next

The book is $7.47 and you get it instantly as a download.


As soon as you have placed your order, you will receive an email with a receipt and the link where you can download the book. 


This means you can access it anywere, immediately, on all your devices. Happy magic in your pocket!

There’s no catch

Some websites will offer you a great deal on something and then you end up with a recurring charge on your credit card. We don’t do that. There is NO hidden program you have to try and we don’t have a sales team that will call and pester you. 


I am giving you this book at this low price as a way to demonstrate real value to you. My hope is that you will love ituse it and then reach out to me should you at some point wish to work with a personal mastery and leadership coach and/or want support from the Live & Lead Courageously Academy. 


In other words, I hope the book will be the beginning of beautiful business relationship for years to come 🙂


Time is of the essence

I could say to you that ‘this is a limited offer’, but really it all comes down to your answer to this question: Where do you want to be one year from now? Do you want to have that life you are really dreaming of? Then you got to get started today. â€‹


​1 year from now you are going to wish that you had started today! I know this from personal experience and from speaking with my clients. Choose to be one of those people who take action. Choose to make your dreams come true!


And by the way, even though the book has a very low price, you are still protected by…

The boldest guarantee in the world

Because I totally believe in living and leading courageously and putting myself out there, I am willing to guarantee that you will 100% love this book or I will return your $7.47


Just email me your receipt and I will give you back your $7.47 with no questions asked. 


Fair enough?

Claim your copy now

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to speaking with you soon.




P.S. In case you’re one of those people who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:


I’m offering you an 84 page book that outlines how to live courageously, be the natural you and create the life you really want… without getting stuck, overwhelmed or burned out.


The book is $7.47.


I’m also walking you through the SMASH system I created that’s causing postive personal change among my clients.


There is no “catch” to this offer. You will not be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.


In fact, if you don’t like the book let me know and I’ll even give you back the $7.47. You don’t even need to send the book back.

Claim your copy now. You won’t regret it.

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